About management training australia
Management Training Australia focuses on delivering workshops of high take home value. - A recent study showed that, on average, every $1 spent on management training results in $3.86 in benefits to the company. This figure is much higher for programs of high take home value.
Presenters are practitioners not just lecturers - The presenters at Management Training Australia are not only highly experienced presenters but are also current Senior Managers. This means that are not only professional trainers but also have a wide range of experience in organisational and personal topics. What this means for workshop participants is they receive a highly practical experience. We are experienced across all industries and have trained people from hundreds of different organisations throughout Australia Participant’s real work scenarios in every section of every workshop - Each section of every workshop brings the participant’s actual work scenarios into the training room and participants decide on the changes they will implement from their learning before they leave the workshop. Workshops utilise a variety of learning approaches - Participants not only receive highly relevant material with engaging presenters, but we also use video, discussions, role plays, training games, assessments and team exercises to unsure that participants are engaged and learning throughout the whole day. |
Wayne Back is the Managing Director of Management Training Australia. Wayne has held a range of management positions from frontline manager to CEO as well as held positions on several boards. He trains frontline, middle and senior managers throughout Australia and in Asia- Pacific. Wayne has spent 30 years in training and management in business, government, educational and NFP sectors. He combines humour, high level interaction with high take home value to give people concrete ways to develop their range of management and leadership skills. In his management roles he has supervised a wide variety of people, including payroll staff, scientists, counsellors, administrators, and other managers. Originally trained as a physicist, he then completed three other degrees including a Masters in Management.